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Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria Associate Teams


Participation In International Programs

J.Bernauer is coordinator with Pr. X. Huang at the Hong-Kong University of Science and Technology of a Partenariat Hubert Curien (PHC) Procore project (2012-2013). The project is entitled Computational studies of conformational dynamics of the RNA-induced silencing complex and design of miRNAs to target oncogenes.

Adrien Rougny, an internship student supervised by C. Froidevaux in Amib , has successfully applied for the 2nd call of 2012 "Nii International Internship Program". In February 2013, he will start an internship at Nii for an Internship in Pr. Katsumi Inoue's group on the topic "Inference and Learning for Systems Biology and Network Dynamics".

M. Régnier and D. Sherman (Magnome-Inria ) participate to a joint project Carnage of France-Russia program.